A beautiful bouquet with pink hydrangea, roses, antirrhinum, eryngium and wax flower. A truly stunning bouquet for Mother's Day, presented in wrapping aqua-pack and gift box.
Extra flower food included.
A beautiful bouquet of apricot roses and complementary foliage lovingly presented in a gift box/bag, wrapped and placed in a gift box with extra flower food
Our Sweet Dreams bouquet is a beautiful mix of pink and blue tones featuring glorious 'Canterbury bells, eringium, wax flower, berries, antirrhinum, veronica and complementary foliage. Beautifully presented with wrapping in a gift box.
Includes extra sachet of flower food.
Beautiful white hydrangeas, ivory roses, pastel pink gerbera, pink and blue Canterbury bells, antirrhinum and astlibe are complemented with stunning foliage in this jaw dropping bouquet. Wrapped in biodegradable cello and tissue, and presented in a gift box.
Includes additional flower food sachet.
This gorgeous bouquet in purple tones contains deep purple calla lilies, clematis, roses, eryngium and wax flower and foliage to create a vibrant floral display.
Wrapped in complementary tissue paper and bio-cello aqua-pack and presented in a beautiful gift box.
What Our Clients Are Saying"Such a little gem of a shop with a beautiful and well stocked florist next door. My hand tied bouquet was so nicely arranged and still look great after a week. Highly recommend." |
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